Offer in Real Estate: A Complete Guide

Dec 10, 2023

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Regarding real estate, an “offer” is a fundamental element that initiates the process of property transactions. Whether you are buying or selling, understanding the dynamics of an offer in real estate is essential for a smooth and transparent experience.

What is an Offer?

An offer in real estate is a formal proposal made by a potential buyer to purchase a property. It outlines the buyer’s intention, including the offered purchase price, proposed terms, and other relevant details. The offer is typically presented in writing to the seller through their real estate agent.

The Purpose of Making an Offer

Buyer’s Perspective

Buyers make offers to express their interest in acquiring a property. The offer in real estate serves as a starting point for negotiations and sets the terms under which the buyer is willing to proceed with the purchase.

Seller’s Perspective

For sellers, an offer represents a potential opportunity to sell their property. It opens the door to negotiation and allows the seller to evaluate the terms and conditions proposed by the buyer.

Acceptance and Rejection of Offers

Seller’s Decision

The seller has the choice to accept, reject, or counter the offer. Several factors influence the seller’s decision, including the offered price, proposed closing date, and any possibilities or conditions specified by the buyer.

Why Sellers May Reject an Offer

  1. Low Offer: If the offered price is significantly below the market value, the seller may choose to reject the offer.
  2. Unfavorable Terms: Unreasonable terms or conditions in the offer, such as an extremely short closing period, might lead to rejection.
  3. Financial Uncertainty: If the buyer’s financial capacity is uncertain, a seller may be hesitant to accept the offer.

Proper Way of Making an Offer

Making a convincing and respectful offer in real estate is important. Here are some guidelines:

  1. Consult with a Real Estate Agent: Seek advice from a professional real estate agent who can provide insights into the local market and guide you in preparing a competitive offer.
  2. Know the Market Value: Research the market and determine the fair market value of the property. Your offer should be reasonable and reflective of current market conditions.
  3. Include Necessary Details: Ensure your offer includes all relevant details, such as the proposed purchase price, desired closing date, and any contingencies or conditions.
  4. Submit in Writing: Present your offer in writing to the seller. A written offer provides clarity and serves as a formal document for negotiation.

Types of Offers: Conditional vs. Confirm

Conditional Offer

A conditional offer includes specific conditions that must be met for the offer to proceed. Common conditions may include a satisfactory home, flat or land inspection, mortgage approval, property document verification, and current ownership of the property if there is any heirship matter that exists.

Confirm Offer

A confirmed offer in real estate is also known as an unconditional offer. Once the seller accepts a confirmed offer, the sale is considered final, and the buyer is committed to purchasing the property without any additional conditions.

Offer Letter and Seller’s Response

What is an Offer Letter?

An offer letter is a formal document that outlines the buyer’s proposal to purchase the property. It includes the offered price, deposit amount, proposed closing date, and any conditions or possibilities.

Seller’s Response to an Offer Letter

Upon receiving an offer letter, the seller has several options:

  1. Acceptance: The seller agrees to the terms outlined in the offer, leading to mutual acceptance and the initiation of the closing process.
  2. Counteroffer: The seller may counter the buyer’s offer by proposing modifications to the terms, such as a higher price or adjusted closing date.
  3. Rejection: If the terms are unsatisfactory, the seller can choose to reject the offer outright.

Sample Offer Letter

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]


[Seller’s Name]
[Seller’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Seller’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere interest in purchasing your property located at [Property Address]. After careful consideration and thorough market research, I am pleased to submit the following offer:

  1. Offered Purchase Price: $[Offered Price]
  2. Deposit Amount: $[Deposit Amount]
  3. Proposed Closing Date: [Proposed Closing Date]
  4. Conditions: [Specify any conditions or contingencies]

I believe this offer reflects the current market conditions and the value of your property. I look forward to negotiating further and, hopefully, reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.

Thank you for considering my offer. I am available at your convenience to discuss any aspects of this proposal.


[Your Name]
[Your Signature]

Verbal Offer and Its Importance

A verbal offer, while expressing initial interest, lacks the formality and clarity of a written offer in real estate. Its importance lies in determining the buyer’s preliminary intent. However, without a written document, terms and conditions may be unclear, leading to potential misunderstandings.

Sellers might respond by encouraging the buyer to submit a formal, written offer in real estate to ensure transparency and avoid ambiguity in the negotiation process. Verbal offers, while a starting point, often necessitate a more detailed, documented proposal for a smoother real estate transaction.

Market Practice of Offer in Real Estate

In the real estate market, it’s a common practice for smaller plots, ranging from 120 to 1000 square yards, for buyers to initiate the process with a verbal offer in real estate accompanied by token money. This informal step demonstrates the buyer’s seriousness about the property. If the seller accepts the verbal offer, it often leads to a more formalized initial agreement between both parties. This practice allows for a preliminary understanding before committing to a detailed contract, streamlining the process for smaller land transactions.


Understanding the details of making and responding to offers in real estate is key for both buyers and sellers. It ensures a transparent and fair process, laying the foundation for successful property transactions. Whether you are navigating the purchase or sale of property, being well-informed about the offer in real estate process is key to a positive and satisfactory experience.


Video : How to make the best offer on a property in 2023

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